Discovering the Best High Schools in Virginia

For many parents, finding the ideal public high school for their children is a major priority. GreatSchools is a renowned not-for-profit organization that provides high-quality information to help parents get their kids into the best schools, and to help schools strive for excellence and reduce educational disparities. GreatSchools has compiled a list of the top high schools in Virginia, based on their ratings and reviews. The number one school in Virginia is Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, located in Alexandria.

This school has an impressive rating of 10 out of 10, and is ranked as the best public high school in the state. Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology is a magnet school that focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It offers a rigorous curriculum that prepares students for college and careers in STEM fields. The school also provides a variety of extracurricular activities, such as robotics, debate, and sports teams.

The second-best public high school in Virginia is Langley High School in McLean. This school has a rating of 9 out of 10 and is ranked as the second-best public high school in the state. Langley High School offers a wide range of courses, from Advanced Placement classes to career and technical education programs. The school also has a variety of extracurricular activities, such as sports teams, clubs, and student organizations.

The third-best public high school in Virginia is West Springfield High School in Springfield. This school has a rating of 8 out of 10 and is ranked as the third-best public high school in the state. West Springfield High School offers a wide range of courses, from Advanced Placement classes to career and technical education programs. The school also has a variety of extracurricular activities, such as sports teams, clubs, and student organizations. These are just three of the top public high schools in Virginia.

GreatSchools provides detailed information about all public schools in the state so that parents can make an informed decision about where to send their children to school. For parents who are looking for the best educational opportunities for their children, it's important to research all available options. GreatSchools can help parents find the best public high schools in Virginia by providing ratings and reviews for each school. With this information, parents can make an informed decision about which school will provide their children with the best educational experience.