What is the Best Public School District in Virginia?

Falls Church City public schools have been ranked as the number one school district in Virginia, according to Niche, a web-based rating and review service. This ranking is part of the Niche's 11,820 school districts across the country. The Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) Administrative Building houses the administrative office of the county school system. LCPS students, randomly selected from each participating high school, achieved a very high level of socio-economic status (SES) on average.

As a result, Loudoun County public schools rank fifth among the best public school districts in Virginia. The division placed fifth after the number one public schools in Falls Church City and the two public schools in Arlington, and before the Fairfax County public schools, which ranked sixth. The LCPS scored the lowest of all school districts in math, reading and science that had similar ratings in the SES. The governor's school was named the best public high school in Virginia, followed by the top 25, dominated by Northern Virginia schools.

The platform said its rankings were created to provide families with valuable information, both quantitative and qualitative, about schools in their area or in a neighborhood with which they are not yet familiar.