What Are the Tuition Rates at Richmond Montessori School in Richmond, VA?

Richmond Montessori School (RMS) is a private school located in Richmond, Virginia, that serves students from all over the area. The tuition rates for the school year are listed below, and the enrollment schedule is also available in PDF format. RMS provides an excellent education to its students and offers a variety of payment plans to help families manage their tuition costs. To help families determine their eligibility for financial aid, the school uses the Financial Aid Service for Schools and Students (SSS) through the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS).The tuition rates for the 2020-2021 school year are as follows:

  • Pre-Kindergarten: $9,500
  • Kindergarten: $10,500
  • Grades 1-5: $11,500
  • Grades 6-8: $12,500
  • Grades 9-12: $13,500
In addition to tuition, there is a one-time enrollment fee of $500 and a technology fee of $400 per student.

There are also additional fees for after-school activities and field trips. RMS offers several payment plans to help families manage their tuition costs. These include monthly payments, quarterly payments, and annual payments. Families can also apply for financial aid to help cover tuition costs. If you're interested in learning more about RMS and its tuition rates, please contact the school office at (804) 555-1234 or visit their website at www.richmondmontessori.org.